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Announcement Sheet

February 12, 2013

116th School Day

Senior Homeroom Teachers: CTE Honor letters are in your boxes, please hand out in homeroom on Wed.

First day of track practice will be on Monday, February 18th. Meet in the student lobby after school and you must have acurrent physical.

Any boy interested in trying out for the Mens Golf team needs to see Coach Brindley in the gym before the end of school today.

Womens soccer tryouts will begin tomorrow after school at the football stadium from 3:30 to 5:30, you must have a current physical.

P.A.W. club group pictures will be taken tomorrow morning at 7:45 in the Media Center.

Student Council and class officer pictures for the yearbook will be taken at 7:45 Thursday morning in Mrs. Turner’s room.

HOSA will meet Thursday morning at 7:40 in D-5 wear your HOSA t-shirt for yearbook picture.

Nursing Fundamental applications are due Friday.

There will be a very important meeting after school tomorrow for all students traveling to Costa Rica this summer.

Breakfast of Champions participants will report to their schools tomorrow morning.

Softball tryouts will begin tomorrow immediately after school at the softball field.You must have a physical on file to try out.

Baseball tryouts will begin tomorrow at the Pisgah field. Tryouts will be from 3:10 till 5:45. You must have a physical on file or in hand in order to tryout.

Men’s Tennis tryouts will be after school tomorrow. You must have a current physical before you can tryout.

The National Honor Society will be selling Valentines during lunches in the student lobby. Each Valentine is .25 cents and will be delivered during 4th period on Valentines Day.

Auditions for Bach to Broadway and Orion Show Choir for the 2013-2014 school year will be Monday and Tuesday, February 18 and 19. See Kendra Medford in the chorus trailer for information.

Guidance Dept. Announcement: (Please read these to your classes, especially seniors)

Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Homerooms: Page 1 of the newsletter is about registration/course selection and page 2 is a list of career/college exploration opportunities (SOME of which are free!) and scholarships.

SENIOR Homerooms: PLEASE point out the Haywood County Schools Foundations Scholarships (MARCH deadline!) on page 1, FAFSA Day (and FAFSA phone-in) to get help with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid on page 1, and MANY other scholarships on pages 2 and 3.

 TEACHERS:(please read during first period.)

If anyone is interested in spending Spring break in Spain seeing famous art, flamenco dancers, Don Quijote’s windmills, and the beach, Let Mrs. Aquaviva or Mrs. DeGrove know ASAP.

CAFETERIA: February 11- February 15

1st Lunch Mahoney and Squires

2nd Lunch DeGrove and McMinn

3rd Lunch Warren and K. Medford


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