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Announcement Sheet

 November 13,2013

 55th School Day

 Student Council will have a mandatory meeting at 7:40 Thursday Morning in the Library. It is important that everyone attend, we will be getting our picture taken for the yearbook.

The DECA meeting has been postponed until 3pm on Wednesday.

DECA competition permission slips must be turned in today.

Wednesday Nov.13 is last day to sign-up for Friday’s blood drive. Please see Mrs. Kuykendall in D-5 for an appointment.

There will be a HOSA meeting Thursday at 7:40 in D-5–picture for yearbook will be taken and t-shirt money is due.

There will be a short, but important Spanish Club meeting on Thursday, November 14th at 7:40 a.m. in room B13. Also, if you paid for one, the club T-shirts are in.

Wear your hats on Thursday, November 14 for Cancer Awareness. For only $1 all faculty and students can wear their hats all day. All money collected will go to help the Hope Chest provide services to women with cancer. Stickers can be purchased from Mrs. Squires, Mrs. Mahoney, or Ms. Morgan.

Attention National Honor Society members! Volunteer opportunities are available with the Salvation Army ringing the bell for the red kettle drive. Please see Mrs. McCall in A3 for more information!

Operation Christmas Child boxes will be collected this Friday, November 15th. Please send all filled shoe boxes to Mr. Rhodarmer’s office in C-Building during the last half of 1st period on Friday. Remember, the 1st period that brings in the most boxes will receive free doughnuts!

ROTC Cadets,if you are going to attend the Navy Ball on Saturday, Nov. 16th,please go by the ROTC office to purchase your tickets before Nov. 15th.

ROTC Cadets = $5.00

Guest= $10.00

Anyone who has signed up to work at the National Honors Society 5K must meet for a brief meeting after school today in Mrs. McCall’s room A3

Sportsman Club Shotgun practice will be Saturday,10:00 at Randy Ledford’s house.

Guidance Dept. Announcement: (Please read these to your classes, especially seniors)

TEACHERS:(please read during first period.)

HOSA t-shirts are on sale until Nov. 14–please see a HOSA officer Michael Cary, Lynn Mull, Rachel Revis, Alex West, Beth Thompson, or Olivia Burnette to purchase one!

Everyone donating blood Friday needs to eat a good breakfast/lunch and drink plenty of water.

The Senior Class will begin collecting money to buy stuffed animals for kids at Mission Children’s Hospital today. Please turn in any money to your first period teacher. The first period class who collects the most money by Monday, December 2nd, will receive a breakfast of doughnuts and orange juice.

The Leo Club will be kicking off Operation Christmas Child . We will be collecting shoeboxes through Friday, November 15th from 1st period classes. You can bring the shoe boxes as they are turned in or we will do one large collection on the morning of November 15th. The 1st period that brings in the most shoe boxes will get free doughnuts! Anyone needing shoe boxes can come by C-2.

There will be a Scrapbook Supply Drive until Nov. 15th. All donated supplies will be used to help smooth the transitions of adoption at Haywood County DSS. There is a drop box in the media center.

Any National Honor Society member that is intrested or is in need of volunteer hours please check the library doors for new and upcoming opportunities.

CAFETERIA: November 12- November 15

1st Lunch Ke. Boone, S. Morgan

2nd Lunch Christopher, Hanson

3rd Lunch Barrett, Michael


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