Home / Announcements / Spring Semester Intent Declaration

Pisgah Bears,
As we move closer to the Spring Semester it is time for you to make an intent declaration for how you would like to learn: Remote or Blended (face to face). Your Spring 2020 Intent Declaration is due by 8 AM, Monday, November 16th.  If you are a Blended (face-to-face) Learning student who wishes to stay blended you do NOT have to complete and turn in a request form. Please make sure that you speak with your family about your choice for the Spring semester, remote or blended, and make a decision that is best for your education and health.
Current Blended Students: 
If you are currently a Blended (face-to-face) Learning student and you would like to change to Remote Learning for the Spring semester you will need to:
  • Complete the “Remote Learning Only” Request Form that can be found on the PHS website. If you need a hard copy you can get one from the front office. You will need to print the form and turn it in by 8 AM on Monday, November 16th.
**Keep in mind that remote students will:
  • Have an alternate Remote Schedule. 
  • Need to be a self-starter due to the amount of asynchronous work. 
  • Work independently throughout each week. 
  • Have to be self-motivated and have great time management skills. 
  • Need to be willing to ask questions to ensure success. 
  • Not be able to change learning styles after the 10-day window at the beginning of the semester. 
If you are currently a Blended (face-to-face) Learning student and you would like to stay Blended for the Spring semester you will NOT need to complete a request form.  We will assume that you wish to stay face to face and you will keep your Semester 2 classes found on PowerSchool.  You will receive an email from counselors about Spring class change requests at a later date if you would like to apply for one.

Current Remote Students: 

If you are currently a Remote Learning student you will need to:
  • Complete the Google Form that was sent to you in a separate email by 8 AM on Monday, November 16th to declare your intent for next semester.  All remote students must fill out the Google Form regardless of whether you intend to stay remote or are changing to blended (face-to-face) learning.
Please contact your counselor or administration if you have any questions.
Go Bears!

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