Mark your Calendar : Important Upcoming Dates
Yearbook order forms were handed out in homeroom on the first day of school. Please see homeroom teacher or front office for a yearbook order...
Yearbook order forms were handed out in homeroom on the first day of school. Please see homeroom teacher or front office for a yearbook order...
The JV football game that is scheduled for Wednesday, August 16th will be played at the Pisgah Memorial Stadium at 7pm.
Prom tickets go on sale this Friday. Don’t wait until the last minute…tickets will only be sold until May 5th. See Mrs. Ensley in the...
Pisgah High School’s 2nd Annual Career Fair was held during Smart Lunch on Wednesday, March 29, 2017. Twenty-eight businesses, four military branches & Haywood Community College...
College Application Week is next week – November 14-18! This is an opportunity for all of our students to meet 17 different college and military representatives during lunch each...
Upcoming Picture Dates... Thursday, September 8 – Senior Make Up Pictures Friday, September 9 – Underclassman and Faculty Pictures Thursday, September 22 – Underclassman Make...
Yearbooks are on sale for $70 plus tax until September 23, after that date the price will increase. Students should mail their order form to...